Forum Interview With Patrick
Forum: What brought you to the decision to play PRS'?
Patrick: I was a longtime Gibson player. In the 80's, I decided
that I wanted a guitar that sounded like a Gibson, but with a whammy bar.
Forum: How did you go about selecting your guitars (what features and qualities
were you looking for?)
Patrick: For the '87, I played LOTS of PRS', until I found one that felt right. It was
"love at first sight" with the '85...the one piece top just killed me (I
already had the '87.)
Forum: Could you tell us a bit about what brought you into music and how you see
that fitting in with the other parts of your life?
Patrick: I was raised to be an mother and father were both very
artistic. At age 16, I decided that music's immediate impact appealed to me
more than waiting 'til 50 years after I was dead to hang in a museum. Music
allows me to express feelings and ideas that language is inadequate to express...
Forum: What are your musical interests and guitarist influences?
Patrick: Musically, I listen mainly to female vocalists...Loreena McKennitt, Enya,
Anita Baker, Aretha, Streisand, Tori Amos. With vocalists, it's not about
technique, it's about emotion. My guitarist influences include Clapton (bigtime...hearing "Disraeli Gears"
on the day it was released stimulated me to pick up the guitar.), Hendrix
(everyone is STILL trying to catch up to one has. Conceptually, a giant.),
John Cippolina of Quicksilver Messenger Service, Jerry Garcia, Santana.
Forum: You recorded a CD. Can you talk about your thoughts as you did the
recording and writing?
Patrick: I try to write about things that I feel...stuff in my life that really
affects me. Emotional expression is more valid, to me, than anything I can
come up with IS feeling. I had most of my cd recorded before I went into the
studio, tranfered it from 4 track to ADAT, and recut a few things.
Forum: Tell us about any recording techniques you used to get your sound.
Patrick: I used SM-57s into Neve preamps straight into the ADATs. Currently, I'm
using a matched pair of Ampex 601 tube mic pres, with SM-57s, straight into
the ADATs. I jumper the imputs of my Rivera era Fender Concert, and my Mesa Boogie SOB
(MK.I reissue) to blend the tones.
Forum: Tell us about your equipment and reasons for choosing same.
Patrick: I have 2 PRS Custom 24s with Antiquity humbuckers...they sound like
"vintage" PAFs.I had both PRSs loaded with vintage PAFs a while back. I liked one set, but not the second set, so I replaced 'em, put the better
PAFs into a different guitar. I play into a Rivera era Fender Concert and a Mesa Boogie SOB (MK. I
reissue) at the same time to get a tonal blend that sounds big to me.
Both amps are loaded with JBLs. Lately, I've been playing a stock PRS McCarty straight into a Rivera era
Fender Super Champ with a JBL. All my amps have JBLs...I prefer a clinically clean speaker with the distortion coming from the tubes.
I also have various older guitars that I've accumulated through the years.
Forum: What do you see in your future as regards music?
Patrick: I'm working on my second cd, and restoring a 100+ year old carriage house
on my property to put my recording studio into. I'm really into writing and
playing music, and teaching guitar as well, to pass the gift along. Music
remains as vital, to me as it has ever been. |